
Avoiding Vitiligo ...

Newvit has proven to be very useful to prevent the appearance of new Vitiligo

Newvit cream absorbs excess water creating a sensation of local dehydration, promoting melanogénesis by considering that the skin has been exposed to excessive heat from the sun, for example. The membrane potential is modified to change the course of the alterations that predominate during the attack of the T lymphocytes that have been notified by the Langerhans cells that do not recognize the neighboring elements as their own and trigger the complement response, the CD8+ and activate MHCII for cell apoptosis. If you convert the cellular process into usable metabolic energy and reduce cellular hyperreactivity, soon the keratinocytes will be able to pass from the basal layer to the stratum corneum, loaded with new pigmentation that the hair follicles use to manifest in the phenomenon known as perifolicular pigmentation. Redness from oxidative inflammation and oxidative stress decreases and breaks down excess hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to convert the area of ​​immune-mediated attack into an area that recovers within days when intensity has been avoided, and the duration of the attack.

When people use Newvit cream for a year, the whitish spots stop for about 8 years. When combined with the JBL4 Phototherapy equipment, then the remission or stationary period is extended to more than 20 years. It is considered that an average of 12 years of control may be needed to control Vitiligo. The protocol followed by some experts in Vitiligo control includes special vision equipment for people affected by Vitiligo to observe their skin every six months and send their photos to a reception center that administers the control.